Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The 10 day fast...

From time to time I feel its imperative to have a fast weather its a dietary fast or other. For me an area of my life that I need to work in is media/entertainment fasting. I spend far to much time on mindlessness when I should be praying and reading the word. So I developed a fast plan for myself. I however the fallible human being I am have already struggled. I pray for guidance and strength in this. Here are the guidelines I set for myself.

1. No video games, computer games or board games
2. No mindless net surfing, only research and learning
3. No message boards or facebooking that isn't fellowship related
4. No reading of books other than the bible and devotions
5. No leaving the house just to get out only necessary trips (food shopping, post office, church etc.)
6. No knitting or other crafts unless it is part of teaching the girls something
7. No baking of sweets or other goodies
8. No blogging mindlessness only positivity & faith
9. No chit chat on the phone with my mom or friends
10. No IM'ing with friends..

I really need some clarity in my life and these things are all big distractions from the things I need to be doing right now. I want to spend at least an hour studying the word a day during this time and focus on cleaning and just talking and praying with my husband and girls.

My exceptions to these rules is 30min work out per day on the wii fit (as that is to better myself) and games and fun on Sabbath as they are all centered around prayer and fun with the family. On the 21st we also have a fun event at church but it will be good fellowship and such. And educational/uplifting things on Netflix to watch only..

Now netflix is not really a great source of Spiritual movies but I did watch part of a national geographic documentary last night on "the lost gospel of Judah" I feel asleep before I formed an opinion on it.. but it was interesting the first 5 mins at least. I am a huge sucker for documentaries I will watch just about anything but I am not to be swayed if I already know it to be false information. I plan to try to watch the rest of it over the next few days.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

7 days in a skirt (the finale)

Day seven has come. And while this wasn't a challenge for me because I already wear skirts all the time but the challenge for me was stepping out from behind the camera and be encouraging to others who have not taken these steps toward modesty. It has been a wonderful experience and I will do this again. Hopefully with a skinner version of me. This really opened my eyes to my weight gain and has really shown me that I really need to kick the dieting into gear. Down -3.7 lbs this week too which is wonderful. I hope that this has shown others that you can wear skirts. I never wanted to be girly and NEVER wanted to wear dresses or skirts as a child, or teen or even into my twenties. I have really seen that wearing skirts doesn't mean you can't mow the lawn, mop the house or shovel snow. I can do all these things while keeping my modesty. (I am not saying you can't be modest in pants its a personal conviction and not for everyone) I hope you enjoyed watching my week. I choose to include my daughters in the grand finale and made this photo B&W to kinda symbolize the end of the lack of confidence in my life.

Hubby took this photo

My oldest daughter took this one as we where finishing up and it was cute so sharing it too.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

7 Days in a skirt day 6

I am sure you all are ready for some more interesting blog posts. Don't worry the grand finale is tomorrow. I hope to get my darling husband to take a photo of me and all the girls together. I wish we had some coordinating outfits or something but it will just be a hodge podge of colors but that is ok maybe I will post that one in black and white to close out the event. I have enjoyed seeing so many taking part in the challenge. and I hope that this will show others that you can be more modest in your attire. I this pose is a bit weird but my leggings are in the wash and my goofy socks and a few inches of bare-white legs where not going to make the cut lol.

7 days in a Skirt day 5 (posted a day late)

Yesturday was eventful. Do you recall your Mother ever telling you to behave in the grocery store? I should of done just that. I had my hubby toss me some produce and all was well until the head of lettuce came flying my way.. I broke my finger.. yes, on I am no stranger to broken fingers so I did what and crazy person would do reset it myself yeeeeeouch had it looked at by a sports medicine friend and went about my day. My husband was the photographer for this day and after deleting about 40 photos of my butt or goofy looks on my face these where the winners. I think the entire store thought we where off our rockers.. tossing produce, taking photos... yeah..a little too much bordem in our lives leads us to have a little to much fun doing mindane tasts such as shopping. My finger though is doing much better today its possible I just dislocated it and didn't fully break it. Good thing today is Sabbath and I have most of my duties out of the way. I did though buy challah from the bakery which was $6.99 and not really that good at all. I just didn't feel as if I could do the dough myself in this condition. I will use the breadmaker next week and skip the knedding and rolling out and such that I normally would do. Now this bread was pretty and all but the taste was just not right.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

7 days in a skirt day 4

Day 4 is where I am at. My darling 2 year old fell into a table last night and banged up her chin pretty badly so she has been stuck like glue to me all day. I enjoyed the snuggles though as I know those days become fewer as the grow up. I am a little mix matched here as well but that is part of the real "mom uniform" from time to time.

 Nothing else major to report today. My husband is off work tonight so I am trying to have some time with him.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Seven Days in a Skirt/Dress day 3

Today was a snow day for the kids. It was a good thing though it was pretty bad out there. We also stayed home from church because it was then icey after all the snow started to melt and for fun we added in a little freezing rain. SO.. I actually wore 2 outfits today but the first one was soaked with snow so outfit B is what you get. My "mini me" Morgan wanted her photo taken once again and today she wanted to use one of mommies head coverings. It was too cute not to share.

up close on the skirt

Mini Mommy

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Seven Days in a Skirt Day 2

 My house is so narrow not many places to take pics and my 5 year old really wanted to show off her pretty dress too. I was on my way to put away laundry and had my 12 year old photographer snap this shot in the foyer before I headed up the stairs to put it away.